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February 03, 2009


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Good post. I still remember your Dad's number from when you lived there, but it's stupid easy.


I don't know why I capitalized "Dad." What the hell, he deserves it.

roo roo

His number changed. It was kinda sad.


I can remember mine, Dan's house, and my parents, who have had the same number since before I was born. I'm on Facebook vacation this week, it was too much of a time suck and not only do I have fitness-related plans, but I completely updated my LibraryThing and there are about 300 books I haven't finished reading. So there is stuff to do, and the weather's turning. Luddites unite! Wait, this is a blog...


Well, I have a job that keeps me outside for prolonged periods of time, often in areas with no cellphone reception.
I also have a weird memory, and while I probably can't remember most newer phone numbers because I just store them in my phone, I can still remember my phone number from when I lived in Ohio from age 6-10. And my address, as well as the address before.


I have that too, JLowe, even though I'm terrible with numbers otherwise. 15314 Ripplestream, Houston, Texas 713-537-1046! Is how you could reach me if it were 1982.


Actually, I'm the one who killed your Facebook page. That's why I have MURDERZ tattooed across my stomach in large, gothic letters.

The only phone numbers I can remember is Dan's at home (awwww). I can remember a couple of addresses, but that's it.

I can remember scads and scads of context numbers, what they contained, and other things they were related to though.

I think I should talk more in Roone's comments. talk talk talk. me me me. yeah.


Aw, everybody knows my home phone by heart.


I just wanna walk...right out of this world...cause everyone knows...Dan's number by heart....

roo roo

458 something something something something.

african mango

hjaXtw african mango pihkAQt
dkcZAh african mango aZycXZt

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