...to what I guess being close to suicide is like. Maybe I'm just in a super-meh mood. Or maybe I'm this way because it's cold. My furnace is broken and I just saw Synecdoche, New York. It's a little depressing and full of itself. And long. Is Hoffman in everything? You want a spoiler? IGNORE THIS IF NOT: Live your life to the fullest. I'm just gonna say that one can't do this. What I saw proves that when a Chronicle reviewer can't do complexity they just give the movie 4 1/2 stars after incomprehensible jibber-jabber that reads "cool" and "review-y". That and some jackass couldn't help laughing in the dire and depressing scenes. Nothing really funny about the movie at all. Not even in a dark way. Ever seen Requiem for a Dream? Down except for that hot double-donging scene.