Super cute girl comes in bar last night (last last night) and we chat. She has a cute rat/Jack Russell terrier mix who rules. She's not crazy. She's nice. She's smart. She's cute. She's normal. She has a job.
She came back in tonight. I chat her up. She likes me and shit. A certain co-worker says she has a boyfriend and whispers to me, "She has a boyfriend that's a friend of mine soooo don't fuck with my friendship". Fuck. I don't promise anything. Co-worker leaves but girl hangs out and is chatty after hours. She quietly mentions she has a boyfriend. I quietly ignore that sentence. I'm being good I guess. She likes me I guess. I'm sitting on my burning hands. She has a boyfriend. Fuck me.
I can't figure out why I typed this. I'm drunk. Clickety Clack.
Fuck UT athletics.