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I mean, really. It's one of those concentration things where you kick ass one day and then the next, POOF, you suck again.
Did I mention that I bowled a 221? That result came after about 15 - 20 games of relative suckitude. In suckintude I mean averaging 160ish. Not horrible and not great. Yet that one game I found a "groove" I guess. I'm just not quite sure how to recreate it.
Consistency in approach, release and follow through matter in this game. What also matters is knowing the lane tendencies and where you should put your feet, hold the ball, aim vis a vis the lane arrows and what ball you use (oily or dry lane ball). That's a lot of factors.
I've determined that the most important factors in bowling, and I guess it's true in all sports, is attitude and determination. Those two result in confidence and confidence leads to consistency? I just don't understand this shit. I'm easily distracted. The retard and giant classes of 1st graders get under my skin. They come in the afternoon. That is when I roll. I got to get over it.
It's coming. I bowled a 221. That is still in me. It will happen again. I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong yet.
Posted at 03:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
The bar has quieted down for 3 consecutive weeks. This is a recession-proof industry I work in. We are in a recession. Weather? Mid-terms? It's just slowing down. The tips are receding.
I'm worried.
Posted at 05:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I must share with all three of you (Dan excluded) the glory of WFMU. Here. It's like radio. Fuck F.M.
Posted at 07:23 AM | Permalink | Comments (5) | TrackBack (0)
I had just composed this elaborate post about today but then Vista decided to restart to do updates without warning me. I'm pissed. I'm just gonna do bullet points then about today.
Posted at 03:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Eric gave me a bunch of MP3s like the nice guy that he is and one of them is the Bladerunner soundtrack. I'm now convinced that it supplants the Apocalypse Now soundtrack as my favorite.
Just saying.
Both movies are in my top 10 movies of all time but Bladerunner just strikes me in a more contemporaneous way in that it was in my youth that I first saw this movie and how it struck me as new and different and changed my naive, and wildly undeveloped, view of modernity. Morality, dark and shitty style. I'm probably remembering it wrong but whatever. Basically was my first taste of Sci-Fi outside of bad Doctor Who re-runs (the 8th doctor - wooof!). That and it has a whole lot of Don Henley-like reverbed-to-shit trombone/saxamaphone/synth parts all over it. I like auditory fuzziness.
Did I mention that I was a metalhead that also liked Rush a whole lot?
Yes, I'm drunk.
Posted at 06:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
How can you hate a site with this much evil within? You can't. I still feel Preznit 43.
Posted at 05:31 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 03:26 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)