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Posted at 02:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
They usually break up in your house. This is currently happening. She's been all over him for the last ten days or so and spending a lot of time in my house which I don't like. I have always tried to minimize this bother when I had roommates because it's annoying and disruptive. I've had a few moments with girls and the roommates. I have regretted them all.
Oh. Yelling! How fun. My door is closed and am turning the music up a little bit. Liveblogging the breakup!
Her friend, who I hate, just walked out and closed the door to give them a little more "privacy" for their argument.
The poor bastard has to be up in 5 hours and she just stumbles in drunk to "pee". Nope. That was a lie. What was I supposed to do? Close the door in her face? She's a "friend".
Getting quiet now. She still hasn't left. ooooh. Now leaving? Haven't heard the door slam yet...
Nope. Stomping around. Quiet again.
Civil discourse. Her friend is still outside. Did I mention the friend started banging on the piano when they originally walked in? I hate random piano banging. Must be drunk.
Rising voices now. Points are being made. Stomping! Something has been thrown. Now I gotta pee. I wish it was over with. The roommate will want to talk about it shortly after this in aggrieved tones.
That's all I can bear. Gotta pee.
Ok. It's "fine" according to the roommate. Now the friend of the girl has "disappeared" or walked off. I hate that bitch. She's probably the reason that they came over goading her on in a busybody sort of way. They both have left. Now the roommate is wound up and very awake.
See why I hate dating? I now know never to date Floridians.
That was exciting. Consider yourself live-blogged.
Update: The aftermath: She apparently was drunk and just wanted to fuck him. The hilarious part is that she brought her friend over. I'm gonna guess that these two ladies were chatting about the roommate's relationship and things were said like "You should go over there right now and confront him!" Or "You should totally go over there and see where ya'll stand!" The roommate has told me that he told her that he needed a break from her for a couple of days but it seems that she didn't get that message. At all. But now everything is alright. She is used to having a boyfriend that puts up her cloying shit and my roommate isn't like that at all. He dates "dude" girls. He also claims that he had her trained to be less dependent over the last two months. She was pretending. This is the same girl who asked me to help her "change" my roommate when they first starting dating. My response to that was "HA!" and "No freaking way he would be changed."
Roommate just walked past me going back to bed and he said to me, "I should have just killed her."
No more. I hate Typepad.
Oh yeah. The Red Sox won the divisional series and now will face the shitty horrible Tampa Bay ("Devil Rays", oh no(!), we Christians insist you must change your name to just the "Rays" or else we will boycott you and shit) Rays. They play in a shitty stadium with shitty fan support in that they can't even sell out the place (which has a couple of thousand covered upper-deck seats unused) during the playoffs. Fuck them.
Go Sox!
Posted at 02:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 06:04 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Spore sucks. It's a whole lot of procedure for almost zero satisfaction. That and a whole lot of repetitiveness. The only part of the game that I enjoyed outside of the "gee whiz" first few hours of discovery was when the aliens came around in their spaceships abducting frightened creatures like mine. The noises were splendid. Then I went into tribal mode and the game got stupid. And very hard. Basically had to relearn the damn game.
Posted at 06:01 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Vis a vis Sarah and the "debate" (phrruckk... [near vomit]):
Could not have said it better.
I think Obama (knocking bloody knuckles on wooden table very hard) has got this thing in the bag. Poor douchebag ticket.
Hell. Obama might even get a electoral vote out of Nebraska. If that happens, I will chuckle when I wake up every day for a year. I'm not kidding. Nebraska. That would be utter humiliation since Nebraska hasn't given a EV to a Democratic Presidential candidate in a very very long time. Johnson I believe but I'm not willing to check.
Another thing: Go Sox! Tonight at home with Beckett on the mound. Good night as any to close this series out. I don't want to talk about Arsenal right now.
Posted at 05:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
In addition to the Red Sox winning game one of their ALDS.
That is from Fivethirtyeight.com. A fine expert polling website run by Nate Silver. He's a baseball statistics guru who applied his baseball stats knowledge to polling and accurately picked a bunch of shit right in the Democratic Primary. His site does a bunch of statistical magic with all the polls and produces what I believe is the most accurate picture of this race. Hell. If you care, read more about him.
The point of this post is that big shiny 85.4% win % for Obama. DICK. HARD. I check the site at least 4 times a day.
Go Sox.
Posted at 03:39 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I love the Red Sox. They played possibly the best team in baseball tonight and just beat them at their house. I mean the Angels should have won but this team just has intangibles. On first they have a hard-case first baseman in Kevin Youkilis (Yoooooook!). On second the midget Dustin Pedroia. Last years Rookie of the Year and this year's runner-up in the batting crown. Shortstop is platooned by a bunch of great players. Tonight was Jed Lowrie. He scored the first run and he was utility first baseman in the two games that I saw them play in Arlington. Good boy. Third base was last years World Series MVP Mike Lowell is playing with a pull pelvis something. He's hurt but still barehanded an infield hit to put out the runner at first. He was smarting after that. Best of all is my alltime favorite trade deadline signing ever: Jason Fucking Bay. He replaced Manny Ramirez, the Sox legend, and sometimes asshole. You don't understand. ManRam was the Sox for the last 5 years and critical in their two titles of late. Then he got pissy and wanted to leave. He left. We got Bay in a weird 3-way trade that sent Ramirez to LA (which got them to the post-season) and in the end we got the better deal. We lost the clubhouse poison that Ramirez became and we got a lifelong Sox fan that was languishing in Pittsburg on a last place team. He was a smart pick. He excels with us. He jacked the game winning home run tonight and played great defense in left. Then there is Jacoby Ellsbury. He's centerfield. He made an amazing catch tonight along with a crucial stolen base. Right field was JD Drew. He was ok.
We won. We were awesome in their stadium. Papelbon got his save in high fashion.
Good times.
A picture not unlike the other one way down below. That's me, Davis and Davis' friends that are Rangers fans that reside in Dallas. What a fun freaking hot day. We consumed many many Bud Lites/Budweisers. It was hot. Dallas sucks.
Posted at 03:20 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
I know that most normal people have hobbies and shit. Things to do to occupy their time waiting around to die. I really don't have any. I get annoyed very quickly with things and really haven't found anything that holds my interest other than flying planes. The problem with that is that I'm not rich. I can't afford $10K ground school and single engine VFR certification. That and I don't own a plane. I would like to and I possibly could have with the savings that I had before I bought this house. That's gone now so what am I to do? Hell, I really can't even afford to travel to England to see my beloved Arsenal in person at the Grove. Shit. I thought I would be able to go in the Spring but now that we are gonna be in a full on recession, I balk at taking that trip so I can build up my savings to prevent myself carrying all my shit in a bandanna attached to a long stick. So I'm stuck.
I occupy myself mainly now by drinking and reading political shit on the intertubes. Really boring and sedentary tasks. I bought the game called "Spore" and it thoroughly sucks after I was initially excited about it. I'm sucking at poker lately and am frankly bored with it. Probably why I suck at it right now b/c I'm not investing brain time in it and just simply "gambling".
I am now actually thinking about gardening and yard work. I did edge the sidewalk yesterday and got some sort of smug sense of accomplishment but that wore off quickly. My neighbors have shitty yards. Doesn't seem worth it.
I don't have the money to upgrade the house.
I fucked one of my fingers up and I can't play guitar well anymore. I could get the steel out tho'. Maybe.
Eh. I'll figure something out. I think I just need a Democrat to win the White House and that would make me feel a whole lot better about my future. Thank something that I don't have major investments in my 401k yet.
Farewell. Just spouting off for no good reason.
OH. The Red Sox begin the playoffs Wednesday! That's something. Then I must go to work the next day. Frown.
Posted at 06:14 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)