It's on bitches. I now own a bowling ball lovingly crafted by a really old man that owns the Pro Shop at Dart Bowl. The guy knew his shit something fierce. He touched my fingers to determine flexibility and how to drill my holes (dirty). He measured gape. He got out some steel things too to measure my reach. It was hot. The ball and service was $200. He was a champ. That and he is really old and smokes Camel regulars. His mouth had nasty bridge work and his teeth were yellow as fuck from smoking for 400 years and he still slicks his hair back like a real bowler should. The best part is that he's a left-handed bowler and offered to show me how to properly bowl today around 3 p.m. I heard he yells a lot at noobs. I can't wait. I think he likes me in that I have money to throw around in his pro shop. He probably like this phrase from my lips, "Money is no object. Give me a good ball."
In an instant after a wholly stupid, brief and agonizingly pointless staff meeting where we were briefed all of the details of the bar's anniversary party that we already knew about, a few of us decided to go bowling. I broke my high score of 73 and became forever intoxicated with the game. I'm hooked. Monday is $1/game day. We bowled at least nine games. I've found my new hobby. Mikee, Sluggo and I all bought new balls and also accidentally ran into Andrew, a bar regular we like who now bowls. Me thinks we might have a league team?
After I got the new ball I bowled a whopping 122!!! Hot shit. Just pure fun. Do I dedicate my life to rolling?
My grammar is deteriorating.
Oh yeah. I voted today. What did you do?
I'm tired now.
"how to drill my holes (dirty)."
= Technically only slightly dirty.
"He measured gape."
= Technically off-the-scales dirty.
Posted by: none ya | October 22, 2008 at 12:18 PM
"how to drill my holes (dirty)."
= Technically only slightly dirty.
"He measured gape."
= Technically off-the-scales dirty.
Posted by: none ya | October 22, 2008 at 12:19 PM
I got my ball there, too!
Posted by: Dan | October 22, 2008 at 05:41 PM
Christ. Everything I typed was intentional.
Posted by: roo roo | October 23, 2008 at 06:51 AM